More Than Lifting

MTL70: Should You Go To Dead Hang?



More Than Lifting is a podcast all about Calisthenics, Gymnastics & Bodyweight Exercise with Rhys Morgan. In this episode: We talk about the passive hang or dead hang position and whether it os safe to go to dead hang in your reps. I recommend that you do but there are reasons that going to dead hang can cause injury so you have to do it safely. We cover: What Is Dead Hang?  Why People Hurt Themselves In Dead Hang  How To Do It Safely  Why You Want To Go To Dead Hang - And Why I Recommend It  To learn more visit Disclaimer: The activities and research discussed in these podcasts are suggestions only and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with a health or medical professional. Fitness training, nutrition and other physical pursuits should be tailored to the individual based upon an assessment of their personal needs