More Than Lifting

MTL63: What's The Best Calisthenics Core Exercise?



More Than Lifting is a podcast all about Calisthenics & Bodyweight Exercise, by Rhys Morgan, to share his experience in gymnastics and functional strength training with the world. In this episode: We talk about the best calisthenics core exercises, sadly there isn't just ONE core exercise, so instead Rhys brings 3 Core Exercises to the table - one for each level of your development Beginner Core Exercise: Hollow Body Hold Intermediate Core Exercise: Hanging Leg Raises Advanced Core Exercise: Dragon Flag We also cover some training tips, variations and progressions of the top 3 core exercises and of course we have a few bonus complimentary exercises. To learn more visit Disclaimer: The activities and research discussed in these podcasts are suggestions only and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with a health or medical professional. Fitness training, nutrition and other physical pursuits should be tailored to the individual based upon an assessment of