More Than Lifting

MTL62: Skill Transitions, Combos & Routines



More Than Lifting is a podcast all about Calisthenics, Bodyweight Exercise, by Rhys Morgan, to share his experience in gymnastics and functional strength training with the world. In this episode: We talk about how you can break free of the same old Reps & Sets training by combining exercises together. There are 3 Ways to do this Transitions - This is where it all starts, you go from 1 exercise or hold, to another. Examples include Handstand to LSit and Back Lever to Front Lever (Tucked) Combination Sets - here you do your transitions for reps, or you combine 2 exercises like pull ups and leg raises Routines - This is multiple exercises or holds in a row, usually not reps, you do it once, thats your set. We do Skills and Push Up Variations as examples in the podcast. To learn more visit Disclaimer: The activities and research discussed in these podcasts are suggestions only and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with a health or medical professional. Fi