More Than Lifting

MTL42: The One Workout Framework - How To Fit All Aspects Of Your Calisthenics Training Into One Session



More Than Lifting is a podcast all about Calisthenics Bodyweight Exercise, from Rhys Morgan, to share his experience in gymnastics and functional strength training with the world. In this episode: This is an exciting episode because I've got a Workout Template you can use to take you from the Foundation Level up to Advanced Skill Training! In this episode we talk about the One Workout Framework Here's The Breakdown: Warm Up - Prepare to train Skills - Front Load your Skills Strength - Foundation Triset Finishers - Beginner's Triset Cool Down - Mobility and Stretching   To learn more visit Disclaimer: The activities and research discussed in these podcasts are suggestions only and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with a health or medical professional. Fitness training, nutrition and other physical pursuits should be tailored to the individual based upon an assessment of their personal needs.