More Than Lifting

MTL36: Cory Holtz Shares His Knowledge On Gymnastics, Discipline And Mobility



More Than Lifting is a podcast created by passionate fitness coach and gymnast, Rhys Morgan, to share his experience in calisthenics, bodyweight training, gymnastics and functional strength training with the world. In this episode: Rhys has a special guest from the US (not the UK like i said in the podcast), He is an awesome gymnast and we go into mobility training and conditioning, we talk about flow and training to music and we cover a lot of discipline in skills. There is a lot of great training tips in here guys! To learn more visit Disclaimer: The activities and research discussed in these podcasts are suggestions only and should not be undertaken without prior consultation with a health or medical professional. Fitness training, nutrition and other physical pursuits should be tailored to the individual based upon an assessment of their personal needs.