Tell Crossroads

TCP 017: How Being Vulnerable Can Help Your Story Connect w/ April Fallon



Full post found at: Ok, so I’ma give you a heads up: this episode is a bit different from our usual episodes. Brace yourselves, it doesn’t have anything to do with video production. GASP! I know, I know, but, But, BUT! It does have a whole heck of a lot to do with storytelling, and isn’t that the whole reason why most of us got into video production in the first place? We talk a lot about storytelling as it relates to video production on this show typically, but this show is going to be all about how storytelling relates to people. Which is something we should always be keeping in the back of our minds as filmmakers, videographers, and storytellers. April Fallon is the founder of Adoption Now, a Denver based non-profit as well as weekly radio and podcast series that has been broadcast to over 10 millions listeners worldwide. On the show, April tells the stories of individuals who have been through the adoption process in one way or another. From childr