Tell Crossroads

TCP 010: Become A Plus One Communicator w/Jason McCullough



Full post found at: “Most people can talk. Most people can verbally connect some words together and string them into something that resembles a sentence. Very few people can communicate so effectively that people are drawn to them.” [24:15] It’s true, I know for myself at least that (as you’ll hear in the episode) I struggle to communicate as clearly and effectively as I would like. Part of that is the filler words we all use, but truly great communication is about a lot more than that. It’s listening, the way you approach interpersonal situations, and the giving and receiving that takes place within a conversation. Jason McCullough is a presenter, teacher, and above all, an expert communicator. As he reveals in this episode however, it wasn’t something that he was just born with as we might tend to think. Like any other skill, communication can be learned and perfected over time, which is what Jason wants to help you do through his website Plus One. We all c