Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

Giving Yourself Permission with Susie Sourwine



How often do you give yourself permission in your life? On the Practical Magic podcast as part of the Reset & Refocus sessions today I am in conversation with the wonderful Susie Sourwine as we talk about the subject of permission, and how we can live our lives from a place of doing just that. On the show we talk about: How permission is linked to decision making around what it is that we truly want in our lives. Being conscious about what we choose to measure our lives against, and not just about what the factory settings Obligations i.e. what you think you have to do vs. choice i.e. what you want / enjoy doing How to claim your own personal sovereignty around what you want and how to claim taking action around that The key points of permission around the three points of Desire, Decide and Do Why Permission is being in the present and an essential  self care practice Permission is meeting yourself where you’re at Susie’s genius and simple tips for granting permission in our lives. Susie’s self care tip