
The 7 Things Everyone Should Know About Their Drug Labels



In Episode 2, we talk about drug labels and the 7 things we think every consumer should know, at a minimum, about their drug labels.  Our goal? To inform you, while making you feel more comfortable and empowered to read every drug label you receive from this day forward. Show note links from overprescribedpodcast.com: "Drugs@FDA" - to access Medication Guides/drug labeling information, just enter the medication you're looking for in the search field to start finding the information on a drug that you may need FDA Guidance to Industry on what should go on a drug label regarding adverse drug reactions or side effects Report your side effects or adverse drug reactions right on the FDA website (side effect/adverse drug reaction = any undesired effect you're experiencing while taking a medication) -- Click "Consumer/Patient" link if you're not a healthcare professional and are reporting for yourself or on behalf of someone like a family member To view drug safety label changes for a specific drug on the FDA websit