Tea With A Titan: Conversations Steeped In Greatness |achievement | Olympics | Olympians| Success | Athletes | Entrepreneurs

Episode 019: Gina Mollicone-Long -- Author / Speaker / Peak Performance Coach



What we cover: Gina Mollicone-Long knows a thing or two about greatness. After all, when you're co-founder of an organization called The Greatness Group, it just sort of comes with the territory. Gina's not only someone committed to seeking out greatness in her own life, however. Not even close. This is a woman who has a degree in engineering, and who segued into a career in marketing with some of the biggest names in branding excellence – like Proctor and Gamble and Molsons Breweries, for example. Despite the fact that her corporate career was on fire, she knew she was headed in a different, more authentic-for-her direction. She always felt the pull to greatness. To be around greatness. And to help people, as she says: "reveal greatness." She admits she fell into engineering in the late 1980s because she knew she’d need a “real job” and there was no talk back then about being a professional Peak Performance coach – the handle she uses today to lasso the passion she brings working with everyone from CEOs and