Studio Sherpas Podcast

SSP 019: How To Succeed In A Small Market w/ Sarah and Rick Pendergraft of PenWeddings



Find the original post at: It’s a challenge that wedding filmmakers and creative business owners the world over face and struggle with, every day. "When is it time to quit my job and go full-time on this? Is it even possible for me to make a career telling stories through film?? My market is waaay too small for that...” Some of us struggle with this for months, years, or our entire lives without ever taking the leap and giving it a shot. The timing never seems quite right, our ideal clients are nowhere to be found and there are too many obstacles that we perceive to be standing in between us and our dreams. Find the original post at: Sarah and Rick Pendergraft of PenWeddings have been there, and know all of the struggles associated with making the move into a totally foreign industry. Based in Broken Arrow, OK (yeah I had no idea where that was either), it’s hard to say that they’re in a “high end” wedding market, and yet they’ve steadily been increasing the