Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 208: Kendal Conrad



Singer-Songwriter Kendal Conrad loves the storytelling you find in a contemporary country song. The Pennsylvania-native is an excellent student of the genre because one listen to her recent singles and you recognize all the integral elements. Instantly hummable? Check! Lyrics that mean something? Check! And a soaring voice? Triple check! If she keeps this up, any day now Kendal will be the one who's studied. [This episode features the singles “Leader of the Pack” and “Come to Your Senses” in their entirety.] Visit Kendal Conrad online: boice is the host/producer of a brand new podcast. The StrandCast, The Official Podcast of Strand Bookstore in NYC at 12th and Broadway. Every other week listen to longform conversations with authors from different genres. For more information and to stream, visit: STREAM/SUBSCRIBE ON SPOTIFY: