Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 198: glen E. friedman



There’s no such thing as too much glen E. friedman. The legendary photographer released three books in 2019. Expanded reissues of two classics: Keep Your Eyes Open featuring the Fugazi photographs and DogTown: The Legend of the Z-Boys (with C.R. Stecyk III) about the West Los Angeles skateboard scene from 1975-1985. Both titles are available from Akashic Books. The third, Together Forever (Rizzoli Books), features photos of Beastie Boys and Run-DMC.  glen also shot the iconic album covers of Public Enemy’s It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back and Beastie Boys’ Check Your Head. glen’s reputation was built on documenting the cultures of hip-hop, punk and skateboarding but his photography is far from simple snapshots; it’s the work of an artist who possesses the craft to make you experience that singular moment his camera caught each and every time.  Visit glen E. friedman online:                                               b