Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 197: Benny Benack III



When Benny Benack III decided to pursue both singing and playing the trumpet, it meant jazz fans got the best of both worlds. Equally exciting at both, Benny hails from a musical Pittsburgh family. He's currently based in Harlem and is prepping the release of his sophomore album, A Lot of Livin’ to Do, coming January 2020. Livin’ is a mix of standards and Benny- originals that gets a seal of approval from Isaac Mizrahi, who scribed the CD liner notes. [This episode features “Later On” in its entirety from A Lot of Livin’ to Do.] Visit a Benny Benack III online: boice is the host/producer of a brand new podcast. The StrandCast, The Official Podcast of Strand Bookstore in NYC at 12th and Broadway. Every other week listen to longform conversations with authors from different genres. For more information and to stream, visit: STREAM/SUBSCRIBE ON SPOTIFY:                  S