Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 196: 0 (Zero) Stars



With all due respect, Mikey Buishas’ solo project, 0 Stars, feels ill-named. That's actually a zero! The Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist has released one of the best of albums of 2019 with Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity. While its not-quite, half-hour playtime may feel slight, it more than makes up for the length with Mikey’s fluid combination of endless melodies and complex musicality supporting his gently-bruised vocals. [This episode features “Round 2” from Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity in its entirety.] Buy Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity on Bandcamp: I first discovered Mikey’s music from Natasha Jacobs. I previously interviewed Natasha discussing her solo project, Thelma. Listen to TMT 124: i=1000384655950 boice is the host/producer of a brand new podcast. The StrandCast, The Official Podcast of Strand Bookstore in NYC at 12th and Broadway. Every