Talk Music Talk With Boice

TMT 119: Amy León



Some people have a natural penchant or inclination in regards to their talent. The timeline of their experience doesn't appear to correspond with the execution. File Amy León into this category. Although she is undefinable and hard to pin down. She's been singing for only three years and has recently released her wise and beautiful debut, Something Melancholy. If she must be classified, "instinctive" is perhaps the only proper division. There is an intentional immediacy in Amy's voice and writing. Not only a singer and a poet, she's also an educator and an activist. The visibility and proper representation of brown people. The equal rights of women. These are some of the issues that captivate this formerly shy child of Harlem. Currently based in Brooklyn, Amy's mission statement is the continual utilization of her art as a tool to inspire people and to implement social justice. [This episode includes "Burning in Birmingham" and "Strange Grace" from Something Melancholy in their entirety.] Visit Amy León online: