Sleep To Strange | A Sleep Inducing Podcast | That Helps You Relax Fall Asleep Fast And Beat Insomnia Like Asmr And Guided Me

Butter Churning Lessons for Ogers | After The Glass Slipper S2E10



Aqueducts and Udders will be the words that tingle the tips of your ears as you sleep to this part of the story. Agatha and the people need water to stay safe within the castle. Fastidiously clean creatures stand in their way. FYI this episode was STRONGLY influenced by what I feel might be the funniest lines I have ever read in a screenplay, that were brilliantly delivered by Kristen Wiig in "Bridesmaids"...So cheers to Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo!!!! ANNIE- "There is a colonial woman on the wing. There is a woman on the wing, I saw her. She is churning butter. There’s something they’re not telling us! She is out there right now!" If you want keep Sleep to Strange as a free podcast for everyone then become a monthly patron Older "After The Glass Slipper" Episodes Can Be Found Here Subscribe: iTunes | Google Play |  Android Please take our audience survey!!! Facebook Community A place to share and be shared with other listeners!!!! Become a fan on Facebook On Twi