Ungoogleable With Jonny Stofko

LIVE LIKE A PRO! "How To Be A Professional About Your Health”



Ep 225  “How To Be A Professional About Your Health” In this episode I share with you the importance of treating your health and well-being as a profession. I give you guys applicable ideas on how you can start taking your wellness to the next level and I also share insights on what my day to day looks like.    My Professional Advice:   -wake up same time daily  -drink water first -sweat daily -create daily  -recover daily  -plan daily      “UNGOOGLEABLE” is a podcast that’s streamed in over 80 countries worldwide and is consistently in Australian ITunes Top 100 downloaded shows.  It’s a conversation built around stories of the human experience.            If you enjoy this episode be sure to check out previous episodes I’ve done with:           Andy Galpin https://open.spotify.com/episode/60Mi1kk7CdD0M6U3IWHfz2?si=Q0xBFr0XRW2Y4UeEHDy_oQ Corey Peacock https://open.spotify.com/episode/70Na03n7UHlN8xJrmY9c7e?si=dgC5OMfmQSaM9FzQg-srLA Layne Norton https://open.spotify.com/episode/3ceM0qGgHyvAnhy39ei4tL?si=y9W