Tome Travelers

Credits Page: Owen K.C. Stephens' 52-IN-52



If you're into TTRPGs then there is a really good chance that Owen KC Stephens has touched something you like. Now, Owen is taking on a new project boasting 52 new products in 52 weeks - each of which will be compatible with Pathfinder, Starfinder, and D&D 5e. Come hear about this awesome project AND how you can get your hands on a ton of PDFs before the start of the year! Host: John Thompson Guest: Owen K.C. Stephens Preorder the 52-in-52 and Bonus Megabundle here, at Open Gaming Store! Find Owen on his website, Patreon, and on Twitter! PassionerdlyPassionerdly on FacebookTwitter: @passionerdlypds, @passionerdly, @roowerks Instagram: @passionerdlypds, @passionerdly, @roowerksCheck out our Patreon for bonus content and swag! Support the show by wearing our shirts from TeePublic! Proud part of the Nerd's Domain Nerd's Domain on Facebook Nerd's Domain on Twitter Nerd's Domain on TeePublic and the Southgate Media Group!