Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Emily Kund - The importance of creating connections to uplevel your business and life.



Hi Guys! Welcome back!!! Today I'm super excited to share with you my special guest Emily Kund. Emily has an amazing story that will inspire you to start taking ownership of your life and go for your dreams :) Emily left 19 years of working on corporate work to pursue a more meaningful life as an entrepreneur applying her skills set of data analytics to create quizzes for her clients to attract their ideal clients and generating more income for their businesses. Emily helps entrepreneurs attract and nurture super-connected online communities, specializing in creating quizzes to attract community. Emily is a mom of two awesome kids, Alex (11) and Katie (8). Emily shared with us a bit about her business, but you will be surprised to hear her story of living a life of feeling burned out most of the time to now living a life on her own terms. She also completed a very challenging 75 days challenge named #75HARD and she shared with us how it changed her life, helping her to become more focus and cente