Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Fighting for your Life and Health with Melissa Klesser



Hello Guys, Welcome back to Andrea's Podcast! I'm super excited and honored to have you here today with me, to listen to my interview with Melissa Klesser. Melissa Kessler is not for the faint of heart. She works with fearless women who are not scared easily. She loves working with women who are open to listening and then taking the necessary actions. She knows that living with a chronic illness is not easy and that means you may have to work hard to call it a thing of the past. Melissa was diagnosed at 2 1/2 with T1 Diabetes with diagnoses of psoriasis and celiac in her adult years. She is a fighter and has fought the good fight, so she knows there is a way out. Melissa is always up for a fight when it comes to her health and life and she'd love to help you dig up your powers to fight your battle too! It’s become a mission that goes so deep for her to help women realize they have the power to create rule-breaking lives that are free of chronic illness through the power of detoxing. I hope you enjoy th