Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Creating Balance in life, welcome to food freedom



Happy Day Guys! I'm beyond excited to share today's episode with you because I'm sharing how flexible dieting have helped me to overcome food fear, get off a restrictive way of eating and dieting, helping me to have a better relationship with food and consequently with my body. As I'm prepping for my bodybuilding competition, I'm using a flexible approach to allow me to have more variety of foods (donuts, burgers, and pizza) in moderation, avoiding the feeling of deprivation, the sense of restriction that most diets can create. What's Flexible dieting? To me, Flexible Dieting is the scientific approach to nutrition by finding a system that works for you to achieve your current physical and training goals. True flexible dieters shouldn’t live by any set of rigid rules but by a relaxed set of flexible guidelines. This is a lifestyle, and it needs to be treated as such. Try not to think of flexible dieting as a counting and tracking system, but as a simple and effective way to reach your goals with minimal