Andrea Dupuy Podcast

Fats are not the enemy



Hello Guys! Today's episode I'm sharing a few things that I have been learning on my course Hormone Health. As you guys might know, I graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in 2017, and since then I have been continuing my education specializing on topics that are very close to my heart, such as Gut Health, and now Hormone Health because I suffered from health issues related to both. A few years ago I started to understand how certain healthy foods were impacting my overall health, and just by making small changes, such as eliminating dairy, gluten, and other foods I start seeing a how my body started to heal, and the symptoms of bloating, inflammation, acne started to dissipate. Since then, I developed this curiosity to learn more and more about functional medicine and holistic nutrition, and how the food we often eat are impacting our bodies in a way that can cause gut issues, hormonal imbalances. I believe that by understanding it and becoming aware of how foods affect our health, we