Faux Reel Podcast

Tango & Cash



This weeks episode is tackling the 1989 buddy cop film Tango & Cash starring Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone directed by Andrei Konchalovsky & Albert Magnoli and written by Randy Feldman. Short summary: Police officers Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone) and Gabe Cash (Kurt Russell) are narcotics experts working to bring down drug lord Yves Perret (Jack Palance). In an attempt to stymie their efforts, Perret sets up Tango and Cash, making it look as if they've killed an FBI agent. Arrested and put in prison, the two cops formulate an escape plan and, once out, team up with Tango's exotic dancer sister, Katherine (Teri Hatcher), in order to clear their records and take down Perret once and for all.