Mighty Casey Media: Healthcare Is Hilarious!

ePatient Dave - "Move fast and break things"?? Not good in healthcare, Zuck!



This week, I’ve got my conversation with e-Patient Dave deBronkart. Dave became e-Patient Dave back in 2007 when he got a really big surprise - a diagnosis of terminal kidney cancer. Definitely NOT the kind of surprise anyone wants. Spoiler alert - it wasn’t terminal, but it was certainly Stage 4, Grade 4, death sentence style cancer. It wasn’t terminal because his doctor told him to check out a patient community forum for kidney cancer. Dave did, and the rest is literally history. The patient forum tipped him off to a treatment option that saved his life, so he’s in the bonus round for almost 12 years now. For which I am grateful, since he and I have only been buddies for the last 10 years. Full show notes and links: https://www.patreon.com/posts/e-patient-dave-24864784