Mighty Casey Media: Healthcare Is Hilarious!

Facebook Is An A$$hole + Hazardous to Your Health?



This week, it’s all Mighty Mouth, all the time. In other words, no guest, just yours truly. I’m asking you to settle in, grab a cup of coffee - or you might want a big ol’ slug of bourbon for this one? - and listen as I spin a tale of lies, damn lies, statistics, and treachery, with the main bad actor of the piece being that thing that over two billion humans across the globe have become addicted t0: Facebook. Why is a snarky healthcare podcast talking about Facebook? Welp, because the Book of Face has become the place where people facing health challenges go to find peer support, resources, research opportunities, and community while they face everything from cancer to neurological conditions to medical error to joint replacement. By the way, I’m not linking to any groups in the show notes. You’ll figure out why as I go along here. Got your coffee? Your bourbon? Your coffee with bourbon in it? OK, here we go. Full transcript and links here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/facebook-is-hole-24368777 image