Mighty Casey Media: Healthcare Is Hilarious!

Healthcare Is HILARIOUS! August 9 2018 Venture Valkyrie Lisa Suennen



This week you’re gonna hear from Lisa Suennen, Venture Valkyrie herself - she shares her thoughts on blockchain in tech (whiz bang buzzword alert!), on price transparency, and how tech continues to transform the healthcare landscape … slowly. The combination of technology and humanity will indeed be the winner. That’s what I’m working toward, and what Lisa Suennen is devoting her time, talent, and treasure to on the daily. If you wanna stay woke on separating shiny objects in healthcare technology from the real tech-human acceleration machines, follow Venture Valkyrie’s “what would Lisa Suennen say?” insight factory, also known as her blog. She’s got a podcast, too - Tech Tonics, which she co-hosts with David Shaywitz. Lisa Suennen on Twitter https://venturevalkyrie.com/ https://twitter.com/VentureValkyrie https://venturevalkyrie.com/ https://venturevalkyrie.com/the-tech-tonics-podcast/ Venture Valkyrie press clips: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/lists/female-health-it-leaders-to-know.html https