
Tamara Lynne: What Happened?



The excitement of a life-changing trip to Brazil turns first to confusion then distress. When communication breaks down, what shines through is the grace and generosity of a community, and the value of just showing up. Tamara Lynne is founder of Living Stages, and is currently working on a book about her travels. www.tamaralynne.net/. Support her Indiegogo campaign: Art & Activism: Send Darlene and Tamara to Brazil! www.indiegogo.com/projects/art-activism-send-darlene-tamara-to-brazil/x/921211 Urban Tellers is a live storytelling series in Portland, OR. Recorded live at Hipbone Studio. December 14, 2013 Theme: Finding My Voice For more information on our live show, visit portlandstorytheater.com.