Diana Adamko

Modern Goddess Interviews - Alison Stockton - Health And Wellness Coach



I’m going to introduce you to some freaking amazing women throughout the coming weeks who will show you through their stories that the Divine Feminine is not just a beautifully sounding concept but a real tangible and practical inner-resource for you as a woman in life and business. And who would be best to kick off this series than Alison Stockton who has an INCREDIBLE journey of awakening to her body-wisdom. And I don’t know about you, but for me, the alpha and the omega of the divine feminine is body-wisdom. Period. Her mission is to empower women to be believe and achieve everything in life and it all begins with nurturing the body within! I LOVED this chat and I know, you'll get goosebumps listening to Alison and she shares so many golden tips too!!! Alison has a gift for you, a delicious self love resource: https://vibrantbalancedhealth.lpages.co/self-love Other places where you can connect with Alison: Www.vibrantbalancedhealt.com Https://www.instagram.com/vibrant_balanced_health https://www.fa