Diana Adamko

Interview With Jenni Russell



Welcome to Awaken Your Moon Power Podcast Show Jenni Russell is a specialist in Pelvic Floor Health and Happiness to give women the confidence to take back control of their pelvic floor and reproductive health and recognise the impact their pelvic floor has on their everyday life. This is a REAL enlightening chat about your pelvic floor and you find out why your pelvic floor is your life force! Jenni is also an author and you can buy her book Pelvic Floor Secrets You can connect with Jenni at www.pelvicfloorsecrets.com info@pelvicfloorsecrets.com Join Jenni's group on Facebook: Pelvic Floor Secrets ----------------------------------------------------------- You can connect with Diana Adamko, your host at www.dianaadamko.com diana@dianaadamko.com If you want to awaken your feminine power more, follow your body-wisdom and live in a natural cycle of success, join us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/awakenyourmoonpower/ and get some awesome free gifts If you have some empowering