Second Shot With Heath Oakes

Episode 173- Second Shot Sitdown with Jen Hatmaker



"You have work to do and the real you has to do it. The crafted version of you can't pull it off ..." Jen Hatmaker is a New York Times Best Selling Author, a highly sought after speaker and the host of the For The Love Podcast. She has more than a million followers on her social media platforms and is a mother to five. However, she wrote several books before any of hers became a hit. In this episode, she talks about how to find joy in the journey and how she continually gave herself a "Second Shot." Hatmaker delves into hew new book, Fierce Free and Full of Fire and the lessons learned in it; like making peace with your body, how to be authentically YOU and how to truly learn how to take risks. Second Shot Sit-Downs is an in-depth look at the people who inspire us, from your friends at Second Shot! This interview series is meant to highlight the types of people we talk about on the show: the people who really embody that idea of taking a Second Shot at business, at relationships, at life. For more info