Black N' Animated

31 - The Proud Family - Black N Animated Podcast



It's a family thing.. a family...Black N Animated~  Hey there animation family, we're back again this week with another BW, WB..( It's been three seasons... it don't matter) episode.  This time Bre and Way take a look at another Bruce W Smith classic. One that a lot of young black folks grew up watching in the early 2000s on Disney Channel. The Proud Family!   Here a little discussion about 3 episodes  "Behind Family Lines", "I had a Dream", and "Culture Shock." Each episode diving into something relevant to all our lives.  The different types of family dynamics within black culture, Islamophobia following the attacks on 9/11 and how we can convey the message of unity to young children, and teaching kids about racism and black struggles.  Be in the know on everything BNA by following the social medias... and WEBSITE! - email  - website  @blacknanimated - twitter / Instagram