Dom B Podcast

Trump DEFENDS Kyle Rittenhouse and the Crazy Left Loses Their Minds – Dom B Podcast 216



Trump DEFENDS Kyle Rittenhouse and the Crazy Left Loses Their Minds – Dom B Podcast 216   President Donald Trump was asked if he would condemn the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse who shot 3 people killing 2 in Kenosha. President Donald Trump, said that Kyle Rittenhouse may have lost his life if the rioters were able to grab him. This sent all of Mainstream Media and the like in a frenzy as they shouted that President Donald Trump was condoning violence. When in fact President Donald Trump is talking about the right to defend ourselves from the violent mobs that are enabled by the leftist ideology. Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself that night and should be found guilt of 1st degree intent to kill. President Donald Trump also visited the site in Kenosha were Kyle Rittenhouse rightfully defended himself.   Was President Donald Trump right to defend Kyle Rittenhouse? Do you agree with President Donald Trump? Was Kyle Rittenhouse Justified?   Patreon - PayPal Donations - http