Creative Christians

Creative Christians Pod Cast 2 - Part 1



In this pod cast we have an interview that every creative Christian needs to hear, an interview with Sibella Giorello.  Sibella's been nominated 2 times for the Pulitzer Prize and has now written her 6th Christian book, Stone and Spark. From the first sentence to the evocative close, I could not put this book down.  And those who have heard the interview as it was being prepared for the pod cast, were inspired. In the pod cast is also the first episode of our continuing radio-format serial, Alexander's Orchard.  It takes place in Tehachapi, and although it's setting begins on a small family apple orchard, it quickly begins to touch the lives (fictionally, of course) of just about everyone in our little town. Like the previous pod cast it is dividing into two parts for easy download and listening.  God bless and enjoy.