The Brookings Cafeteria

Can impact bonds help solve the global education crisis?



Ten years remain for the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including inclusive and equitable quality education for all. But the global learning crisis, made worse by the coronavirus pandemic, demands solutions at-scale for governments around the world. How to achieve the financing required to deliver quality education? One solution links payment to achievement of outcomes through social and development impact bonds. On this episode, two experts discuss the global crisis in education, and also the opportunities and challenges of impact bonds for education. Emily Gustafsson-Wright is a fellow with the Center for Universal Education at Brookings. Jaime Saavedra leads the Education Global Practice at the World Bank Group and is a former minister of education in Peru. Subscribe to Brookings podcasts on iTunes, send feedback email to, and follow us and tweet us at @policypodcasts on Twitter. The Brookings Cafeteria is part of the Brookings Podcast Network.