High Horse Radio

Dot's New Job & New Movie, Roseanne, Alternate Timeline Realities.



HIGH HORSE RADIO                                        Ep. *217 WARNING!!! - The episode takes place on a busy highway but all voices can be clearly heard and understood... This our latest instalment is a special presentation featuring JDot, Andy Establishment and Fred Nations alongside the unrivalled energy and excitement in the air, energy & excitement that only your 1st movie premiere can bring. Now the panel have been to many ah premiere in their time, however none featuring one their fellow panelists. And not just your everyday common variety panelist, none other then our resident addict and comedy buff, JDot!!. So altho we can't give specifics as far as storyline & plot are concerned, due to the film not being released until July 2018 & the Dot signing confidentiality agreements. We can give you some fun behind the scenes stories and moments without giving away any spoilers. The night was unforgettable and historic and JDot wanted me to personally thank Establishment & Fred for attendin