High Horse Radio

When is it OK to Cheat?



HIGH HORSE RADIO                                         Ep. 209   ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! - Judge us not on this particular one show as we are having an experimental evening here at the High Horse. We decided that a loose conversation on the balcony suited this episode perfectly. The content is very much us however we ain't in our soundproof studio all snuggly wuggly as per the norm. We are experiencing peak hour traffic as we record this so your gonna feel like you are on the balcony with the panel as the cars roll on by. So what I'm trying to get across is the fact that we CHOSE to have this show not reach it's audio potential and we put our professionalism on the back burner in an effort to come at you all with a bit of a different flavour. We hope you enjoy the broadcast..... Download and subscribe @ highhorseroundtable.libsyn.com + iTunes for FREE!!! @highhorseradio, @frednations, @jdotgater, @andyestablish