High Horse Radio

The Forgotten Parts of Suburbia



HIGH HORSE RADIO                                         Ep. 208   Due to work commitments and life in general, the panel could not get together in the studio this week. But Phoenix Ppardoshe and Fred Nations took a walk, with Phoenix's legendary 4 year old daughter, through the creeks and stormwater drains that hide in every suburb throughout Australia. Think of it as an audio experience, walk along with the guys (and girl) and try and visualise what they are seeing. It might be more fun than you think.  Attention! Attention! Attention!         The windblocker was not use because i like the sound of wind. laughs.   Download and subscribe @ highhorseroundtable.libsyn.com + iTunes for FREE!!! @highhorseradio, @frednations, @phoenixppardoshe