High Horse Radio

Modern Controversies - School Shooters, Poachers, Rapers, White Death.



HIGH HORSE RADIO                                         Ep. 204  Be vicarious with the various vanguards of the nefarious, High Horse Radio is the scariest and hairiest panel in all areas.  Your host Fred Nations goes one on one with Andy Establishment!!. Should be an interesting back and fourth to say the least. Made more interesting with Fred Nations have toked on a little herb (Marijuana) before starting the evenings proceedings. Andy always likes to poke at High Fred Nations so this should be a fun broadcast to say the least. Haven't listened yet but was told Fred's microphone was turned all the way down, so Andy with his over the top "yelly" voice no doubt dominates in this our latest episode of the liberated syndication that is High Horse Radio... Enjoy!!!..... Download and subscribe @ highhorseroundtable.libsyn.com + iTunes for FREE!!! @highhorseradio, @frednations, @andyestablish