High Horse Radio

Mental Health Crisis, Hitler Played Cricket, Diabetes, Milo, Cosby, Damore.



HIGH HORSE RADIO                                         EP. 202 This our latest instalment of the liberated syndication that you know as High Horse Radio features the big 3 panel combination of Andy Establishment, JDot, our host Fred Nations!! and Little Pound Cakes back for his first show of the year that is 2018... This episode waists little time getting in full swing with talk of the infamous dictator Adolf Hitler and how he played cricket against the British prisoners of war during world war one. He later declared the game "un manly" and tried to re-write the laws of the game. Are Indians lazy?, Milo Yiannopoulos and what his role in democracy actually is, why was James Damore fired from google?, China fixes sinkhole in 24hrs, Bill Cosby does a surprise set in his hometown of Philadelphia during this controversial time in his life. Andy says the sweater he was wearing was super creepy, a grey sweater saying "Hello Friend", Rose McGowen vs Harvey Weinstein. Mental Health Crisis and how we can deal with it