High Horse Radio

Trump-Loving Drunk Australians



HIGH HORSE RADIO                                         EP 199 Welcome everyone!!! I want to thank you for downloading High Horse Radio!!! if you are a first time listener know that most of the things said (or slurred in Fred's case) in this episode are for shock value and taboo breaking purposes only. The panelists were celebrating HEAVILY, just mere hours before this recording so listen in a fun TABOO-breaking spirit for best results... For those that ain't easily offended we trust you'll enjoy the raw honesty and unintended charm of our "know nothing know it all" six person/only happens once every one hundred episodes panel... And just a little tip, don't take the High Horse to seriously. We sure as heck don't!!... Enjoy ladies and gents..... Download and subscribe @ highhorseroundtable.libsyn.com + iTunes for FREE!!! @highhorseradio, @frednations, @jdotgater, @andyestablish, @phoenixppardoshe, @linQhighhorse