High Horse Radio

Morbid Kamikaze, Killer Whales, Jesse Ventura, Sperm-Jacking, Lego, Narwhals, Trans and Pegging



HIGH HORSE RADIO Come listen to the show where the art of conversation can be as brilliant as the most crafted thought out, beautiful piece of music that one can imagine. However it's a shame that High Horse Radio hasn't learnt that art yet, but the conversation can go to some interesting places, many ah subject delved into deeply, thoughtfully analysed, pulled apart and reconstructed in a comforting and reassuring way for ALL humanity to sleep better at night. That is at least until Andy Establishment speaks... This show is one of our absolute best and funniest shows ever!!! it features J to the D to the O to the T!! JDot!!  the highly intelligent and controversial Andy Establishment!! and our paid performer and main man, it's your host Fred Nations!!!. The panel of the big three!! Pretty much the only panel these days due to the suburban dads both having two kids under the age of five. Man, wouldn't that be a reality check?!. Scary thought ya'll. Anyways enjoy the broadcast ladies and gents!!!... Download &