High Horse Radio

Rape Fantasies, Churchill Cigar, Jim Carey Bipolar, Spiritual Emptiness & Russell Brand, Enrico Fermi, Terminator



HIGH HORSE RADIO 'Come on now amigos, put down your burrito's, ain't no time for your ego's, like unwanted torpedo's, so put on a tuxedo, it'll increase your libido like a dose of placebo, ok here we go!!'... A point for point extravaganza kicks things off on this our one hundredth & eighty eighth edition of the liberated syndication, known around the nation and the globe as High Horse Radio!!. Our main team, the big three, the heart & soul, the combination of panelists that has seen our show reach new heights, through there relentless determination of giving you out there in audio town the best possible broadcast every single week. They need no introduction but where's the fun in that?!. First up it's the man who takes much of the workload during our actual broadcast (doesn't actually lift a finger behind the scene's tho) he's controversial but honest, a little callous in his delivery, but we would't change him in any way, listeners you no who it is, it's Andy Establishment!!. Alongside our New York