High Horse Radio

The Scam of Life, Growth and Goals, Worst Popular Movies



HIGH HORSE RADIO 'What we aim to bring, is a fascinating spin!, whether you're a kingpin wearing sealskin, or your life's in a tailspin due to no discipline. We cater for any and all come one come all!... This particular panel combination has not been together since episode *42 titled "business meeting". It features JDot hosting, Fred Nations a humble panelist (Fred's never humble), alongside the Canadian/Australian duel citizen that you know as StevieB!. If you are a first time listener welcome!, but be forewarned that our energy level is low due to this being the 3rd show recorded in one day, however the content is undeniably good, conversating on how life can scam you if you let it, growth and goals, how to live your life with a good balance etc, just not delivered in our usual upbeat tempo. So enjoy it, it's for you, if enjoying things is what you do, or you can leave it and catch us later if you prefer being a hater, either way we are here to play so come join us or drift away. Download and subscribe @ h