High Horse Radio

Vagina Complex, Packer Vs Gyngell, Politricks



Fred Nation, J Dot, Pheonix Ppardoshe, LinQ and Andy Establishment drink smoke and joke their way through a conversation jam packed with news and information from every corner of the globe. Billionaire's bashing each other, Joe Hockey's Budget Blunder, Entitled Women, Putin is no Hilter, Hillary looks old and hagged, Sick Tokyo, Chris Lille Racist?, Irish Mobsters, An L.A High Horse and much much much much more.......seriously that blurb was lame compared to the show. tweet us @highhorseradio & download for free @ iTunes & Libsyn.com   It's me the d.o.t enjoy Episode number *43, as it's an actionpacked full panel hopefully not coming across to loud rude & crude. We aim for great content  with laughter & limited cross talk, whilst delivering interesting facts & stats along the information super highway, aka the internet.     (@frednations, @jdotgater, @phoenixppardoshe, @LinQage)