High Horse Radio

Synesthesia, Aussie vs USA Hip Hop



Join the one off, never replicated before or since panel of Fred Nation, J Dot, Pheonix Ppardoshe, LinQ and Saska (later known as StevieB) as they continue on the conversation from High Horse *38... Our awesome long time listeners know that anytime you see our show is a continuation Episode, you know straight away that's it's going to be a little more looser, usually a little more lateral, & the overall mood & presentation is a bit more relaxed (or chillaxed as the kids call it) so basically what I'm saying is kick back & enjoy this unique one of a kind liberated syndication.   It's Episode*39 of the show that is High Horse Radio   Find us & download here @ libsyn.com as well as @highhorseradio on twitter & High Horse Radio @ iTunes     (@frednations, @jdotgater, @phoenixppardoshe, @LinQage, @MC_StevieB)