High Horse Radio

Meth Epidemic in North Korea, Australia's Alcohol Culture, Mike the Headless Chicken



Fred Nation, J Dot and Andy Establishment break down what's happening around the world and what it means for you. They travel through time and unlock a mysterious history that few ever speak about. All that while bringing the funny and keeping you entertained in traffic or whatever your adventure is whilst tuning in. Thanks for letting us be a part of your life. This episode's topics include Marijuana's bright future in Australia, Sex makes you smarter,  Aussie speak catching on in Britain,  German Anger, Einstien and Israel, Ray Kurzweil and solar power, when is someone fat and much much much more.........News from all around the globe and all through out time, intensely profound and at times sublime.   @highhorseradio on twitter & High Horse Radio @ iTunes + libsyn.com to download and subscribe this one of a kind liberated syndication   (@frednations, @jdotgater)