High Horse Radio

Alcohol Fuelled Violence, The Importance Off Abortion, Deconstructing Roseanne



Fred Nations, J Dot, Phoenix Ppardoshe and Andy Establishment come together for another riveting conversation on a beautiful Friday night in Brisbane town Australia.  Some off the Topics included on the following Episode are..... Surprising statistics on violence (or lack thereof), choosing the sex of babies, Flu Vaccinations,  Joe Rogan Questions Everything, Windy City Heat, Would Lord of the flies play out in reality,  North korea, China since 1989, the taiping rebellion and much much moch much more!. Some come along for another no nothing no it all's extravaganza, bought to you by the liberated syndication that you know as High Horse Radio. Enjoy...   @highhorseradio, @frednations, @jdotgater, @phoenixppardoshe