High Horse Radio

The Cause Of WW2, Australia's Faults, How To Deal Drugs



Fred Nations, J Dot, Phoenix Ppardoshe and Andy Establishment continue on where High Horse *31 took off. That's mainly because it happened on the same night. The last hour and a half of this conversation (this entire episode) gets extremely interesting as J Dot, probably too drunk off german beer and too stoned off papua new guinnian weed, begins to admit to a personal past that will surprise regular listeners. Many other subjects are touched upon as well as we try to get to the bottom of J Dot's belief in Mermaids.        Now let's be clear all you cutie pies aha plenty, the marijuana connoisseur, J Dot himself doesn't actually believe in said mermaids. He actually just brings the topic up as food for thought having been impressed bye animal planets "docoufiction" angle on the what if this was true scenario..... However we at the Horse still think he secretly believes, so whatever Dot!...     @highhorseradio on twitter & High Horse Radio @ iTunes + libsyn.com to download and subscribe (@frednations, @jdo