High Horse Radio

Social Conditioning, The Effects Of Advertising, J Dot's Mermaids



The know nothing no it all combination of Fred Nation, J Dot, Phoenix Ppardoshe and Andy Establishment bunker down and get cozy in this warm hearted Christmas special. Hot coco is passed around while the fire place glows............ replace warm hearted with cynical, hot coca with alcohol and marijuana and fire place glows with dodgy fan blows and you have a some what accurate description of how the night unfolded.   J Dot argues passionately for the existence of mermaids after watching animal planet's docufiction (not really just food for thought) and Andy Establishment breaks down Christmas and what it actually is, in the only way the belligerent one knows how, which is of course uncaring & crass but with knowledge and facts.   This conversation continues into Episode *32 of our great liberated syndication that you know as High Horse Radio.....   (@frednations, @phoenixppardoshe, @jdotgater)